Thursday, May 18, 2006

You Know You're Getting Old When...

* Everything hurts, and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work.

* You feel like it's the "morning after", but you didn't go anywhere the night before.

* You sit in a rocking chair but can't get it going.

* You bend over to tie your shoes and ask yourself, "Is there anything else I need to do while I'm down here?"

* You sit down to the breakfast table, and the snap, crackle, pop you hear isn't your breakfast cereal.

* People call at 9:00 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"

* Dialing long distance wears you out.

* Your little black book contains names ending only in "M.D."

* Your daughter takes you out to dinner, and the cashier takes one look and gives you both Senior discounts.

* You have as students the grandchildren of your former students.

* You sink your teeth into a steak, and they stay there.

* Your favorite part of the newspaper is "25 years ago today."

* You're proud of your lawn mower.

* The little gray-haired lady you help across the street is your wife.

* You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.

* The gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your glasses.

* You watch a pretty girl go by and your pacemaker makes the garage door open.

* You finally know all the answers, but no one asks you the questions!

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