Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Computer TECH-Terms

The typical IQ needed to understand any PC.

"State of the Art"
Any computer you can't really afford and your wife does not want you to buy.
[NOTE: See Nanosecond, Obsolete, Syntax Error and GHZ]

The term describing any computer you have purchased.
[NOTE: See Nanosecond]

The time it takes for your "State of the Art" computer to become obsolete.

Apple's new line of Macintosh Computers that make you say "That's four times faster than the Macintosh computer I bought for over twice that price a mere Nanosecond ago."
[NOTE: See Obsolete]

"Syntax Error"
Walking into any computer store and saying "Hello, I would like to buy the fastest computer you have, and money is NO object!"

"Hard Drive"
The oft used sales tactic by commission based computer salesmen, commonly seen immediately after someone has made a "Syntax Error."

"GHZ - pronounced GIGA-Hurts"
The new physical / mental condition that occurs the "Nano-second" after you have bought the "State of the Art" computer. [Which of course happened after making the afore mentioned "Syntax Error" and then listening to the salesmen's "Hard Drive."]

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