Tuesday, July 05, 2005

How to Build a Thermonuclear Bomb

(From your Physics Guide)

Making a nuclear bomb is not as hard as it might sound. In fact, if you can get the right equipment, you'll just need the assistance of a good metalshop technician!

Difficulty Level: Hard

Time Required: Months-Years

Here's How:
Obtain about 50 kilograms of enriched uranium. (U-235 needed. If you've been sold U-238, return it for a refund.)
Work half of the uranium into a donut shape.
Work the other half of the uranium into a plug that will fit the hole of the donut.
Set the two parts up so that an explosive charge will force the plug to move toward the hole, thereby increasing the total amount of uranium to above the citical mass.
Set up your explosive charge of choice fitted with your detonation device of choice - barometers were used to set off the bombs in World War II.
Ensure you are on another planet and set off charges. The combined uranium above critical mass will set off the chain reaction causing immense release of heat, light, sound and radiation.
There is no step seven - you have just nuked something.
Ok, so you really want to do more damage - then try building a plutonium bomb. This is trickier but only requires 16 kilograms of plutonium.
Build the 32-part implosion chamber as described in attached links.
Ensure all your charges are synchronised.
Detonate at your convenience.


Do not try this at home.
Do not try this at work.
Do not try this at all.
This information is purely for the purposes of explaining how nuclear detonations have been constructed in the past and does not condone the use of nuclear weaponry.

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